Target Audience Insights is committed to the highest level of data quality, ethics, and transparency standards. Here are a few frequently asked questions regarding our research methodologies:

Who makes up your reader panel? Who responds to TAI surveys?

The TAI First Look Reader™ panel is made up of thousands qualified readers, across many demographic segments, who have reported interest and activity in reading specific genres of books. They are volunteers who are incentivized, depending on the survey or analysis type, to provide their honest and complete feedback.

How do you approach sampling for each survey or analysis project?

Quantitative sample sizes for surveys are set within standard confidence levels of +/- 5% error margins. We guarantee a minimum of 300 respondents per survey and provide audience summary descriptions such as age and gender demographic characteristics. For some more detailed audience testing needs, we also confirm additional demographic details.

Audiences for manuscript analysis are set at standard levels of confidence for qualitative research trending, but are designed for depth of feedback, not quantitative confidence standards.

First Look Reader sample audiences are randomly invited based on reading habits and requested demographics, but final participants are made up of those who volunteer to participate. When more panel members participate than are required for the sample, responses are chosen randomly.

How are your genre interest benchmark scores derived?

TAI uses a proprietary database to generate genre interest benchmark scores that are consistently applied across all survey data and analysis.