Help your authors deliver the best possible book project

Sharpen your author clients’ book concepts and manuscripts by infusing real-world feedback from target readers.

Publishing is a competitive business, but we don’t have to tell you that. Every day, you curate potential new breakthrough authors and projects and attempt to land the best deal for them.

How much more value could your next proposal command if there was clear evidence that there was demand for the book, or if independent target readers weighed in with enthusiasm that could be shared with publishers?

After the contract phase, more agents are staying involved to advocate for their authors. Recommending that the voice of the reader be considered during the editorial and production process could help your authors reach greater heights . . . and land that next book deal!

Target Audience Insights equips you as a literary agent to:

  • Determine which new authors and projects to represent.
  • Work with an author to shape the book proposal and manuscript to improve the potential royalty advance and other terms.
  • Advocate for your author with the publisher to infuse a critical third voice during key editorial, titling, and cover direction decisions: actual readers!
  • Ensure your authors’ books are marketed in the most effective way possible with optimized keywords, book hooks, and other metadata critical for success in today’s digital marketplace.

Did you know?

  • Continued consolidation in traditional publishing’s highest levels may lead to diminished competition and less negotiating power.
  • A potential implication for consolidation at the top is a more vibrant indie publishing market that offers more flexibility for fast-growing digital segments such as ebooks and audio.
  • Heated competition in the audiobook space may lead to new opportunities for authors. (Side note: Did you know TAI can test voiceover talent selections or your own author’s reading with target listeners?)
  • More and more publishers are open to rapid, efficient, accurate reader panel testing, but their own internal analytics teams are limited in capacity. TAI can expand that capacity to ensure your author’s content gets tested and optimized!